Wednesday 16 April 2014

What a difference a week or two makes!

Many things are finally growing in the garden.

My biggest successes are certainly the lettuces... My mother has taken a few seedlings down South as I am inundated with them... They are in serious need of thinning out now!

I also have a single parsnip plant... I hope that there will be more soon!

The sweetcorn are nearly ready to be transferred into the vegetable patch - all but one of the seeds germinated so I hope to have a good crop soon!

The herbs are growing from strength... I still have no idea what two of them are.

The fig tree now has leaves and the blueberry, blackcurrant, pear, cherry and strawberry plants have all got flowers - fingers crossed for some fruit!

I have now planted some tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes and french beans ... I wait to see if they come up as the grow bags are ready...

Wednesday 2 April 2014

The simple joys of a greenhouse...

Part of my 'big dream' was to one day be able to grow my own veg, sew my own home and have a greenhouse that I could potter in to my hearts content...

The dream is finally here...

I saved my birthday money to buy a little greenhouse of my very own. It measures 6ft by 4ft so it is quite cosy but I am pleased as punch with it...

It fits in two grow bags and my new staging (which my sweetcorn and herbs are already in situ) and other seed trays will be going there in due course...

The standing was already there in part - my dear husband laid the final slabs after I dug up and moved the snowdrops that were growing nearby as I didn't want to squash them!

The final touch is from my daughter for a Mother's Day gift - a hanging bird wind chime... It looks perfect in there!